Planet Love

Posted: April 27, 2012 in Creative Inspiration
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Why are we here?


What is the purpose of our existence?

Mankind has been taking blind flailing swipes at this curious conundrum for many a millenia now; spawning religion, philosophy, and science as potential divining agents along the way.

It’s no surprise we’re so focused on it, really — after all, it’s the original question.

Without doubt, as man, through whatever means, found himself separated from the other animals due to self-reflection, his inaugural novel thought could have been nothing other than, “What now?”. In other words, “Now that I have the freedom to choose what I want to do, now that I find myself above solely instinct — what should I do?” Followed closely thereafter by the reduced version of the thought, “What is my purpose?” Or, “Why am I here?”

At the time, it must have been quite a burden.

After all, where do you begin when you don’t know what you’re after? We need a game, don’t we? A way of keeping score. Before, it was merely survival. If you did — hurrah — you were winning! But now… what were we to think? Past instinct, past simply surviving, what was our angle — what else was there to life!? Advancement? But, why? Where would that lead us? How would that be preferable to where we were?

And on and on our ancestors thoughts spiraled…

…Until, at the end of the day, (since it was simply untellable), we had to do something in order to move on. We desperately wanted to get to the truth of the matter, but, in a cruel twist of irony, what we choose to do at this juncture of our past — in order to merely begin our journey — would prove, over time and more than anything else, to carry us farther away from the very same truth we so desperately sought…

Because we so direly needed that game, that direction, that purpose — a primitive type of insecurity that has been insulating us from honest truth since before we’d known it to be a worthy pursuit — we devised a clever way to put the distracting query on the back-burner, involving, mostly, a curious type of mental gymnastic which we still employ today — namely: Religion.

Now, I try not to talk about Religion much,

though it is often on my mind.

Religion and I have traveled down a rocky, uneven road, and, being not able to objectively answer some simple conversational questions I’d had along the way, I respectfully parted ways with the thing long ago. These days, I cling to the questions. I, honestly, find greater comfort in the acceptance of non-knowlegde, than in the attempt to describe the theme park from the entrance-arch.

That’s not to say I don’t empathize with those who are religious, as a matter of fact half of my family, whom I love dearly, are members of a devout Pentecostal faith, it’s just that I don’t personally believe their revered books to be anything more than a somewhat-decent collection of historical science fiction. This, for me — along with being an only child (within a vast familial average of 3-plus), produced of a divorce, who grew up in an all around unwelcoming environment — caused me to travel along quite the lonely path of life inquiry and discovery. A path which, up until a few days ago, I had thought, of my family, I had traveled alone.

Turns out, I was wrong.

Fate, destiny, or just dumb luck: I might never know what had brought me to see John Rullo’s show that Saturday night before Easter, but whatever it was, there I stood, unnoticed — across the overly sticky barroom floor from someone who, like me, had chosen truth and isolation, over faith and family. The man jammed away blissfully on the dimly lit stage. He was quite good.

John had made himself known to me, not too terribly long before this, via Facebook, as someone who was on my vibe spiritually — which came as a surprise at the time, particularly because, initially, I’d known him from the religious world I’d been born into. As far as I knew, John had a Wife and two kids, and all of them were diehard Born-Again Christians, much like my family, who should, by all rights, have less than zero interest in the type of things and topics that find their way to my main-page. So when he let me know that he’d been not only been reading my blog, but enjoying it, by sending positive and helpful feedback through the Facebook comments, I was, understandably, a little shocked.

All I could think was, what happened to this man?

After all, this place of honest inquiry and unabashed truth could easily be described as an anti-religion. Common sense, logic, truth and reason? Hogwash! Honestly, I’ve been expecting the accusation of being the anti-Christ for some time now. But his words were true, this I was sure of. There was no pretense, hesitation, or double meaning to his comments whatsoever — he just honestly enjoyed the conversations I was putting up. So, curious as to what sea-change had manifest within this man to make him speak as he now was, I began to check out his work, and it didn’t take long for me to discover he’d written a book, “Planet Love; The end of the world as we knew it“.

Now where was I?

I had come out to the Island that Saturday, rather than solely on Easter, as was my custom, because I hadn’t seen much of my family and was hoping to play catch up. I had a vague recollection of the invitation to go see John’s show, but A) I originally hadn’t planned on being in town while the show was going on, B) Being I was playing catch-up with the fan-damily I thought I wouldn’t have the time, and, (of most relevance), C) I don’t own a car, and thus had no means of traversing the two towns necessary to get to his venue. But as fate would have it, and as the evening slowed the motions of the day while everyone in the home settled somewhat (having mutually relinquished the noteworthy stories of our recent lives to one another), my phone rang.

It was a dear old friend from high-school. She’d just been broken up with. Right before a long scheduled vacation was to happen with her, and her then man. She wasn’t happy. She needed a beer. I, in my defense, almost always can use a beer. We agreed to travel together and go hunt out a gaggle. She came by, scooped me up, and we went to the first local pub we could think of.

The guy was a jerk, that much was sure, and she was confused and in need of a good night. Aside from me, she had also reached out to another school-hood friend of ours, another cool ‘dude’, like us — evidently at some point I’d ruined his car antenna, but that’s a story for another day (it’s funny what you forget…). So, we then left the bar not long after we got there, went to this “dude’s” house across town, where we met his girlfriend and learned about what we were going to be doing for the evening — going two towns over to the very same pub that John was scheduled to play at, the “dude’s” lady had a job interview.

That's odd...

Now, look, I’m not entirely sold on the whole fate thing…

… I don’t like the idea of a predestiny any more than the inevitability of annual dentist visit, but, occasionally, something like this comes along and forces me to stop and think twice. So there I stood, against all odds and obscured by the volume of voices and the density of the crowd, directly across the way from someone who had, somehow, walked the same queer path as me. It felt like spotting an albino zebra in the wild.

Though I still hadn’t known what had happened to the man, not exactly at least, I could tell by his commenting on my work that we were alike. Mind you, I still could’ve left the bar undetected at this point, but felt like I needed to connect. When you believe as I do, it’s an opportunity that simply couldn’t be ignored. Though not completely sold on fate, I felt this was the reason I’d gotten that call earlier in the evening; this was the reason I was even here…

Finally, after the show, I got my chance to say hello.

Having only had online communication up until this point I don’t think John recognized me right away, but as soon as he did a brief flicker flashed throughout his eye, and a broad smile quickly formed about his lips. We dove into conversation, as if a gasp for fresh air, conversing about life, the universe, and the potential origins of it all — much like our ancestors had once posited, but had invariably supplanted with religion — and found that, on topic after topic, we had a similar sentiment. Truth, love, and acceptance seemed, constantly, to be the unifying threads.

Though, because the spirit of this venue was such as it was, not exactly lending to a lengthy exchange, (particularly when his Wife likely wanted to go home and my friends were all wondering where I had gone), what might have been quite the meeting of the minds had to be cut short, but before we parted, John was kind enough to thrust a copy of his book into my hands — Gratis. It took me a little over two weeks to read it, but, now that I have, how could I not share? The book is, quite literally, the quintessence of this blog as a whole, and, having fallen into my hands through such an inplausable chain of events, it just plain feels right.

Planet Love, The end of the world as we knew it

Told in a whimsical first person, past-tense narration, this work of Fiction John’s crafted, based loosely on fact, addresses just about everything that is near and dear to this blog. It is honest, raw, real and unyielding in the face of anything but truth, love, or compassion — quite inspirational indeed, (particularly to someone who still pulls punches in the face of the specific type of adversary that his awakening had riled).

It follows John throughout the days which unfold just after he has an encounter with an extraterrestrial craft, which, upon viewing, had flooded him with visions that imparted on him the knowledge of truth throughout the universe. He is left both enlivened, and bemused — as he is not sure what to make if it all. Unable to tell many people about the wondrous experience he’s had, knowing, full well, he’ll be dismissed as a nutter, John has to suffer alone with the fact that there is more to life than what those around him insist upon.

Soon, through curious and quirky twists of fate, like-minded people from varying and sporadic stages of his life make their way back in toward him, all finding that, to some extent or another, they’ve all shared in his experience. Together they begin to understand what is to come: another visitation, possibly the last, an event tantamount to the christian rapture. Gradually John begins to comprehend that this is what the ancients had reported into the biblical texts he once worshiped, merely misinterpretations of what they couldn’t fully understand at the time, harkening the third of Arthur C. Clarke’s laws on prediction: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

I wont give away the end, you should buy it and check it out for yourself, but what I will say is that it’s a very good read, which, personally, came to me at an important point in my life. John, though his story, reminds us all that life should never be about defining our differences from one another — I.E. Race, Religion, socio-economic status, gender, etc… — but, rather, should be about identifying our collective commonalities. We are, in the end, ALL AS ONE, each on a different path of experience which adds to the collective of mankind’s whole, and we all have our own paths to walk, none better than any other.

At the beginning of this post I’d mentioned that our inaugural thoughts as man, once we became self-aware, must have had to do with our purpose here on earth. At the time it was a question without answer, and so, to put it aside, we invented a system of belief, which became religion. The reason I’d started here was because this was the one thing that this book really drove home for me — when you seek truth, you don’t look for a workaround, you merely seek truth, and that’s enough. It’s OK to not know. Scary, sure, but just plain fine. Only when you know enough to know what you don’t know, can you then learn.

Did you follow that?

I think it’s important, uncertainty. But what I find equally as important is the understanding that if this is the path we all wish to follow; this blind and uncertain meandering of drunken discovery, than we must support each other — with love. Love is the glue that makes it all work, Love is the driving force behind it all, and, as beautifully illustrated in John’s book, only through the lens of love, can we ever hope to discover genuine truth.

Check it out people 😉


  1. PL Holden says:

    Very well written post about a very meaningful question! I think that your comment about not focusing on what divides, but what unites is definitely what everyone should try to keep in mind when we are faced with live’s problems & solutions.

    • Thanks, Peter! It’s how we all support one another’s happiness. When we see the way people do good, rather than how we think they fall short, we empathize and then, both consciously and unconsciously, we want to help. In my opinion — that’s what life is all about.

  2. Good post, Jared. Division is, however, the way we are led. Our leaders point to problems with – anything, really – being “their” fault. A shit economy comes down to immigrants – those people who shouldn’t be here. We’re all in danger from terrorism – because we kepy this country poor for so long they got fed up with it. Those people over there who can’t even get electricity all day should stay home and not try to lead a better life where you can get electricity all day. I find is division is down to some leader creating a situation where division suits his ends. It allows him to create fear of an unknown and demonstrate that he knows what’s right. That can be a leader in any situation. The worst far right leaders still come down sometimes that a person is different because of the colour of their skin. We have a crazy programme here where people with wierd and embarrassing afflictions appear take their bodily freakishness to a tv GP and if they’re wierd or interesting enough they get treated by an expert for the sakeof the show. It’s amazing how many of the best surgeons are Asian. It shouldn’t need saying, but when some nutter screams an obscenity across the street at a black person such bigotry is a result of the divisions created over generations. I blame leaders, for leaders create tribalism.
    The counter, which is the point of your blog, and a well made one, is that we should ignore this conditioniing and start to share in a humanity of love. And I agree wholeheartedly. My call is though, to humanity, vote on election day (our democracy is so precious isn’t it, it’s the best in the world) for the leader who says “Welcome strangers, come and share what we have, come and live in our houses and streets and be with us. We are the damn-well richest nation on Earth ( or No. 2 or No. 3) and we know you are poor so come and have some of this.” Sounds evangelical, doesn’t it. And I’m no religious nutter either. The thing is, such an attitude is so unusual in a leader that he or she is booted out before they even get to first base ( I thought I’d throw in a US analogy 🙂 ).
    I have been fortunate to travel to some far-flung places and some near ones and without a doubt ALL the ordinary Joes and Josephines I’ve met have been humanity loving people. I have found Indian people to be the kindest people I’ve ever met. Their kindness to me and Fi has been mind-blowing at times. Offering and dong stuff we westerners just somehow wouldn’t even consider. But they have a tradition, in their “tribe” , of caring for the traveller – someone who is away from home and insecure.
    In Europe we have a mess of a eurozone. The Germans don’twant to pay anymore into the pot because they’re the richest.the Greeks and Spanish and Italians are all portrayed as lazy bastards. But it’s the leaders and those with access to the megaphone who perpetuate these images. Ordinary people want to live peaceful ordinary lives and a united Europe has been war-free for some time now. I fear our leaders are re-trenching into their stereotypical roles of “I’ve got mine – f*^k you.”
    It’s leaders man, I tell you. They’re not fit. Now, what was it that Jesus dude said………….?
    (Sorry for the long comment – just got carried away – don’t have much respect for our leaders, as you can tell.)

    • Al… I am with you, man. Our leaders suck!
      As a blank slate, a human mind carries no hatred, malice, or ill will. A child loves everyone who smiles at it, equally. It is conditioning, than, that does this. People are aware of it too, you can tell by the violent outbreaks people have in defense of these “assumptions”. An assured mind is calm and rational; no walls up, a teacher. An insecure mind is vocal, dismissive, and unhearing, a proverbial fort knox on lockdown. This is the world that’s been created by our “leaders”, (who all live very cushy lives, say thank’ya), their lies, and the time that’s passed… and it all needs to go away — fast.
      I have hope though…
      I see what this crazy internet thing has done for the unification of the planet, ‘we are as one’ is now a known truth, we see it every day, and I beleive that the unraveling of lies has become an inevitability at this point. My only worry for the future is when bills like SOPA, PIPPA, and CISPA come along — there is a potential to halt the awakening, one similar to what had begun to occur back in the 60’s here in the US, if the free flow of informaiton is stopped. But, with more and more people opening their eyes later in life to truth, such as my buddy John, i wonder if they even have a shot anymore.
      Love is all we need; truly… and I believe it’s coming :-).

      • Dead right, Jared, and I too see the censorship lobby gathering their armies. But I don’t think they’ll be able to stop the information flow. I read somewhere about 12 months ago about a network of free thinkers who are preparing for that day and to launch their own free web version onto the world. We have back-up. I’m going in…………

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